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Antoin "Tony" Rezko- găsit vinovat de dare de mită, spălare de bani și alte excrocherii


Tony Rezko unul dintre oameni implicați în trecut în strângerea de fonduri pentru campaniile electorale ale unor politicieni locali, atât din partea Republicanilor cât și a Democraților, precum guvernatorul Rod Blagojevich sau senatorul Barack Obama, a fost găsit vinovat de către juriu, în această după-amiază, în 16 din cele 24 de capete de acuzare.
Viitorul se anunță destul de nefavorabil pentru guvernatorul Rod Blagojevich, a cărui nume a fost menționat de peste 40 de ori în timpul procesului. Până în prezent pe numele guvernatorului ne fiind adus nici un capăt de acuzare.

Blagojevich a câștigat poziția de guvernator al statului Illinois în 2002, promițând că va face curățenie în administrația locală, asta după ce predecesorul sau, George Ryan, a fost implicat într-un alt scandal de corupție, în urma căruia acum câteva luni a fost condamnat, acesta aflându-se în prezent în închisoare.

Tony Reszko a fost găsit vinovat de dare de mită, spălare de bani și alte excrocherii prin care a încercat să obțina milioane de dolari de la diferite companii care doreau să primească diferite contracte cu statul.
Verdictul se vrea a fi un antidot "împotriva corupției care bântuie orasul Chicago" a afirmat procurorul general Patrick J. Fitzgerald.
Cele 24 de capete de acuzare si verdictul:

Count 1: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $375,000 from Glencoe Capital of Chicago in exchange for $50 million investment from the state Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS). Guilty
Count 2: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $375,000 from Glencoe Capital. Guilty
Count 3
: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $250,000 from LLR Partners of Pennsylvania in exchange for $25 million TRS investment. Not GuiltyCount 4: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $850,000 from JER Partners of Virginia in exchange for $85 million TRS investment. Guilty
Count 5
: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $850,000 from JER Partners. Guilty
Count 6
: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $850,000 from JER Partners. Guilty
Count 7
: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $250,000 from Sterling Financial of Northbrook in exchange for $25 million TRS investment. Guilty
Count 8
: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $250,000 from Sterling Financial. Guilty
Count 9
: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding of Arizona in exchange for $200 million TRS investment. Not Guilty
Count 10: Wire fraud. Scheme to extort $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding. Not Guilty
Count 11: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $1.5 million bribe in exchange for approval by the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board of a new Mercy Hospital in Crystal Lake. Guilty
Count 12
: Mail fraud. Scheme to extort $1.5 million in exchange for approval of Mercy Hospital. Guilty
Count 13: Wire fraud. Schemes to extort $1 million from Stockwell Capital of Chicago, $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding and $1.5 million to $2.2 million from Capri Capital of Chicago. Guilty
Count 14
: Wire fraud. Schemes to extort $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding and $1.5 million for the Mercy Hospital approval. Guilty
Count 15:
Wire fraud. Schemes to extort $850,000 from JER, $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding, $1.5 million to $2.2 million from Capri Capital and $1.5 million for the Mercy Hospital approval. Guilty
Count 16: Attempted extortion. Scheme to extort $1.5 million to $2.2 million from Capri Capital. Not Guilty
Count 17: Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $375,000 from Glencoe Capital. Guilty
Count 18:
Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $250,000 from LLR Partners Not Guilty
Count 19:
Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $1 million from Stockwell Capital. Not Guilty
Count 20: Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $850,000 from JER Partners Guilty
Count 21:
Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $4 million from Investors Mortgage Holding. Not Guilty
Count 22: Aiding and abetting bribery. Scheme to extort $1.5 million to $2.2 million from Capri Capital. Not Guilty
Count 23: Money laundering. Scheme to extort $375,000 from Glencoe Capital. Guilty
Count 24:
Money laundering. Scheme to extort $375,000 from Glencoe Capital. Guilty
Rezko surrendered to authorities and was taken to jail, even though his sentencing wasn’t scheduled until September

Reacții după aflarea verdictului

Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn says Blagojevich needs to explain why his name popped up so often in the trial.
QUINN: If you're in-charge of the state of Illinois, elected by the people, and you see the verdict on 16 of these counts, it's important for the governor to answer the questions of the people and the taxpayers. That's what I think accountability is all about, and I think it's time for the governor to come forward and answer questions.

Rod Blagojevich
“Tony Rezko is a friend and was a supporter. On a personal level, I deeply sad for what’s happened to Tony. I am profoundly sad for his children and for his wife Rita. My heart goes out to all of them. The jury’s decision is yet another reminder that ours is a system of government ruled by laws and not by men. I respect the decision of the jury.”
“As for me, I will continue to get up every single day to work as hard as I possibly can for the people, starting tomorrow where I hope to meet with the legislative leaders so that we can balance the budget in a way that’s fair and helps people and to pass a capital construction program that will stimulate our economy and create more than 500,000 jobs. Thank you.”

Barack Obama

“I’m saddened by today’s verdict. This isn’t the Tony Rezko I knew, but now he has been convicted by a jury on multiple charges that once again shine a spotlight on the need for reform. I encourage the General Assembly to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent these kinds of abuses in the future.”
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