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- Free voice mail and Free fax number providers (no local numbers)
http://www.openoffice.org/ - Free text editing software
http://www.mozilla.org/ – Free Internet browser. Fast and Easy to use.
http://www.voipdiscount.com/en/index.html - 300 free minutes of local calls
http://www.skype.com/ – talk for Free via the Internet
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html - Free Abode Acrobat reader allowing you to read PDF files.
http://www.m-w.com/ - A free, searchable on-line dictionary and thesaurus, word games, a word of the day, and many other English language and vocabulary reference tools
http://www.freeserifsoftware.com/software/pageplus/default.asp - Free desktop software allowing to design images
http://www.worldlabel.com/Pages/template_1.htm - Free templates for business cards printouts.
http://www.filext.com/ - FILExt.com is the file extension source. Here you'll find a collection of file extensions; many linked to the programs that created the files.
http://www.fotki.com/ – place to post photo for sharing with other people (can be open for visitors or password protected)
http://www.fedstats.gov/ - Federal date for each state such as population, income, education, homeownership rate etc
http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main.html?_lang=en – city statistics
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/default.aspx - Microsoft Free
templates library for all your business and personal needs.
http://www.download.com/ – places to buy software
http://fi.edu/time/Journey/OnceUponATime/dayofweekbirth.htm calculates day of the week when you were born.
http://www.excel-vba.com/excel-drop-down-lists.htm MS Excel help
http://www.netquote.com/ – one stop place to get health and other insurance prices for your personal insurance needs. Agents will contact you direct – no need to shop around.
http://www.privateeye.com/processor.asp - find all people living at your address, listed under your phone number and having your name
http://www.ellisisland.org/ - search for a family background and history
http://www.familysearch.org/ - search for a family background and history
http://www.tomshardware.com/ - new computer products
http://www.freecall.com/en/newyear.html - free calls worldwide (limits apply)
http://www.newegg.com/ online store with best prices
http://www.pricewatch.com/, http://www.pricegrabber.com/ price search engines
http://www.paypal.com/ send and accept money
http://www.freecreditreport.com/ get your credit score
http://www.aaa.com/ – AAA Auto Club
http://www.forsalebyowner.com/ – Real Estate Listings by Owner
http://www.free-ebooks.net/ free e-books
http://www.audiobooksforfree.com/ – free audio books
http://www.mediamax.com/ - free Files storage (parking) 25 GB free accounts
http://www.myspace.com/ - free Profiles storage/ place to meet friends
http://www.salary.com/ – salary for each profession and job title
http://www.flightexplorer.com/ – free system allowing to monitor airplane location and time of arrival in real time mode
http://www.weather.com/ – weather
http://www.openoffice.org/ - Free text editing software
http://www.mozilla.org/ – Free Internet browser. Fast and Easy to use.
http://www.voipdiscount.com/en/index.html - 300 free minutes of local calls
http://www.skype.com/ – talk for Free via the Internet
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html - Free Abode Acrobat reader allowing you to read PDF files.
http://www.m-w.com/ - A free, searchable on-line dictionary and thesaurus, word games, a word of the day, and many other English language and vocabulary reference tools
http://www.freeserifsoftware.com/software/pageplus/default.asp - Free desktop software allowing to design images
http://www.worldlabel.com/Pages/template_1.htm - Free templates for business cards printouts.
http://www.filext.com/ - FILExt.com is the file extension source. Here you'll find a collection of file extensions; many linked to the programs that created the files.
http://www.fotki.com/ – place to post photo for sharing with other people (can be open for visitors or password protected)
http://www.fedstats.gov/ - Federal date for each state such as population, income, education, homeownership rate etc
http://factfinder.census.gov/home/saff/main.html?_lang=en – city statistics
http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/default.aspx - Microsoft Free
templates library for all your business and personal needs.
http://www.download.com/ – places to buy software
http://fi.edu/time/Journey/OnceUponATime/dayofweekbirth.htm calculates day of the week when you were born.
http://www.excel-vba.com/excel-drop-down-lists.htm MS Excel help
http://www.netquote.com/ – one stop place to get health and other insurance prices for your personal insurance needs. Agents will contact you direct – no need to shop around.
http://www.privateeye.com/processor.asp - find all people living at your address, listed under your phone number and having your name
http://www.ellisisland.org/ - search for a family background and history
http://www.familysearch.org/ - search for a family background and history
http://www.tomshardware.com/ - new computer products
http://www.freecall.com/en/newyear.html - free calls worldwide (limits apply)
http://www.newegg.com/ online store with best prices
http://www.pricewatch.com/, http://www.pricegrabber.com/ price search engines
http://www.paypal.com/ send and accept money
http://www.freecreditreport.com/ get your credit score
http://www.aaa.com/ – AAA Auto Club
http://www.forsalebyowner.com/ – Real Estate Listings by Owner
http://www.free-ebooks.net/ free e-books
http://www.audiobooksforfree.com/ – free audio books
http://www.mediamax.com/ - free Files storage (parking) 25 GB free accounts
http://www.myspace.com/ - free Profiles storage/ place to meet friends
http://www.salary.com/ – salary for each profession and job title
http://www.flightexplorer.com/ – free system allowing to monitor airplane location and time of arrival in real time mode
http://www.weather.com/ – weather