Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

GM: falimentara dar nu pensionara

General Motors cel mai mare producator autohton de autovehicule a intrat in procedura de restructurare, aplicand pentru asa numitul Chapter 11 bancruptcy. Aceasta lege a falimentului permite ca o companie sa se reorganizeze si sa isi plateasca datoriile catre creditori pe o perioada mai lunga de timp. In acest moment compania are datorii de aproape 173 de miliarde de dolari. Mare parte din actiuni vor intra in posesia guvernului american (60%) si canadian (12,5%), care au investit 30 respectiv 9,5 milarde de dolari, asta pe langa un alt imprumut cu dobanda redusa de 20 miliarde, obtinut tot de la bugetul de stat american.
Compania planifica sa elimine patru tipuri de masini pe care le produce in prezent, si sa mentina in continuare marcile Chevrolet, GMC, Cadillac si Buick . Totodata intentioneaza reducerea cu 2,600 a numarului de dealeri auto, de la 6,100 cati are in prezent, si concedierea a aproximativ 21,000 de angajati.
GM este cea mai mare companie din industria de masini care intra in faliment si a patra ca valoare a datoriilor acumulate, din istoria Americii. Primul loc il ocupa Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. cu pestye 600 de miliarde de dolari, urmata de Washington Mutual Inc. si WorldCom Inc.


Lucian a spus…
Ar fi interesant de postat aici marturia completa a lui Ion Mihai Pacepa care a facut niste declaratii fulminante despre perioada in care a fost desemnat ca Tarul Industriei Auto in Romania. Informatii mai multe se pot gasi pe site-ul celebrului comentator Michael Savage care a postat pe site cuvintele lui Pacepa vis-a-vis de lovitura guvernului socialist american asupra GM. Daca sunteti curiosi:

What I Learned as a Car Czar
by Ion Mihai Pacepa
My job at the time was as head of the Romanian industrial espionage program. Ceausescu tasked me to mediate the purchase of a minimum, basic license for a small car from a major Western manufacturer, and then to steal everything else needed to produce the car.

Three Western companies competed for the honor. Ceausescu decided on Renault, because it was owned by the French government (all Soviet bloc rulers distrusted private companies). We ended up with a license for an antiquated and about-to-be-discontinued Renault-12 car, because it was the cheapest. "Good enough for the idiots," Ceausescu decided, showing what he thought of the Romanian people. He baptized the car Dacia, to commemorate Romania's 2,000-year history going back to Dacia Felix, as the ancient Romans called that part of the world. In that government-run economy, symbolism was the most important consideration, especially when it came to things in short supply (such as food).

"Too luxurious for the idiots," Ceausescu decreed when he saw the first Dacia car made in Romania. Immediately, the radio, right side mirror and backseat heating were dropped. Other "unnecessary luxuries" were soon eliminated by the bureaucrats and their workers' union that were running the factory. The car that finally hit the market was a stripped-down version of the old, stripped-down Renault 12. "Perfect for the idiots," Ceausescu approved. Indeed, the Romanian people, who had never before had any car, came to cherish the Dacia.

For the Western market, however, the Dacia was a nightmare. To the best of my knowledge, no Dacia car was ever sold in the U.S."