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update, September, 24:
Today, I received a call from the Romanian Consul General asking about the level of interest for voting in the local Romanian Community. I was told that we have until tomorrow mid-day (12:00 pm) to provide the names of the volunteers. Those names will be added to the list of voting stations in the US and forwarded to Romania.
At this moment, I have not received a single volunteer, I am looking for 10 volunteers by 12:00 pm tomorrow or we will not have a voting pole in Colorado.
The Romanian Consul General has asked me to see if there is interest within the Colorado Romanian Community in voting in the Romanian Presidential Election, schedule for November 22, 2009.
Consulul General din LA m-a intrebat daca exista vreun interes in cadrul Comunitatii Romanesti din Colorado pentru Alegerile Prezidentiale din Noiembrie 2009.
I am of the opinion that it is better to partake in the event and to have a voice, even from Mile High City. I am looking for 10 volunteers who can be present on November 22, 2009 to supervise the voting pole.
Parerea mea este ca ar fi bine sa aratam ca si cei din Denver au o voce si sa participam. Caut 10 voluntari care sa poata veni pe 22 Noiembrie sa supervizeze procesul de votare.
I do not have any details about the voting pole at this time, but if there is a Presidential Runoff then it is likely that we will need to have another voting pole on December 6, 2009 for the runoff election.
Nu am amanunte despre aceste alegeri inca, dar e posibil sa mai fie o runda pe data de 6 Decembrie.
At this time, if you are interested in volunteering and assisting in this event, please send me your full name, phone number, email address, and a scanned copy of your Romanian Passport (showing the photo and the expiration date).
Daca sunteti interesati sa fiti voluntari si sa ajutati la acest eveniment, va rog sa imi trimiteti un email cu numele intreg, numar de telefon, adresa de email, si o copie dupa pasaport unde sa se vada poza si data expirarii.
Note: The passport MUST be valid on voting dates. / Pasaportul TREBUIE sa fie valabil la data alegerilor.
Any questions contact me directly. Va rog sa ma contactati direct cu intrebari. Multumesc
Thank you.
John Abdel-Jabbar
Home (303) 953-1256
Office (214) 810-4988
Today, I received a call from the Romanian Consul General asking about the level of interest for voting in the local Romanian Community. I was told that we have until tomorrow mid-day (12:00 pm) to provide the names of the volunteers. Those names will be added to the list of voting stations in the US and forwarded to Romania.
At this moment, I have not received a single volunteer, I am looking for 10 volunteers by 12:00 pm tomorrow or we will not have a voting pole in Colorado.
The Romanian Consul General has asked me to see if there is interest within the Colorado Romanian Community in voting in the Romanian Presidential Election, schedule for November 22, 2009.
Consulul General din LA m-a intrebat daca exista vreun interes in cadrul Comunitatii Romanesti din Colorado pentru Alegerile Prezidentiale din Noiembrie 2009.
I am of the opinion that it is better to partake in the event and to have a voice, even from Mile High City. I am looking for 10 volunteers who can be present on November 22, 2009 to supervise the voting pole.
Parerea mea este ca ar fi bine sa aratam ca si cei din Denver au o voce si sa participam. Caut 10 voluntari care sa poata veni pe 22 Noiembrie sa supervizeze procesul de votare.
I do not have any details about the voting pole at this time, but if there is a Presidential Runoff then it is likely that we will need to have another voting pole on December 6, 2009 for the runoff election.
Nu am amanunte despre aceste alegeri inca, dar e posibil sa mai fie o runda pe data de 6 Decembrie.
At this time, if you are interested in volunteering and assisting in this event, please send me your full name, phone number, email address, and a scanned copy of your Romanian Passport (showing the photo and the expiration date).
Daca sunteti interesati sa fiti voluntari si sa ajutati la acest eveniment, va rog sa imi trimiteti un email cu numele intreg, numar de telefon, adresa de email, si o copie dupa pasaport unde sa se vada poza si data expirarii.
Note: The passport MUST be valid on voting dates. / Pasaportul TREBUIE sa fie valabil la data alegerilor.
Any questions contact me directly. Va rog sa ma contactati direct cu intrebari. Multumesc
Thank you.
John Abdel-Jabbar
Home (303) 953-1256
Office (214) 810-4988
cine nu voteaza nu exista !
ps.daca pot ajuta cu ceva lasa-ma sa stiu ! Stau in CO numai ca un pic mai incolo de Denver ..la nevoie ma deplasez daca e ceva ..