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Guvernatorul statului Illinois, Pat Quinn este sustinut oficial din aceasta saptamana si de catre celebra publicatie Chicago Sun Times, pentru a candida la un nou mandat de guvernator al statului, numindu-l: "un om in care putem avea incredere, un guvernator care pune interesele statului si ale oamenilor inaintea tuturor celorlalte lucruri".
Governor Quinn got great news and a major boost in his gubernatorial election bid. The Chicago Sun Times endorsed him this week for another term, calling Pat Quinn a man “we can trust, a governor who puts the needs of the state and its people before all else.”
Governor Quinn got great news and a major boost in his gubernatorial election bid. The Chicago Sun Times endorsed him this week for another term, calling Pat Quinn a man “we can trust, a governor who puts the needs of the state and its people before all else.”
The Sun Times recognized Governor Quinn’s leadership on a number of fronts, including passing the first capital bill in ten years, achieving unprecedented ethics reform, and standing up for a balanced budget. It wrote, “…nearly a year after landing the job, his integrity, passion, and commitment to fight for the little guy are still what Illinois needs.” As the Sun Times recognized, Pat Quinn is on a mission to re-energize Illinois’ economy, reform its political culture, and set the state on sound fiscal footing.
The next step on that mission is winning the Democratic primary on February 2nd.
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