Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

Targul romanesc de turism ARTTS Chicago amanat


 Eruptia vulcanica din Islanda, aeroporturile inchise si zborurile anulate nu afecteaza doar pe cei din Europa ci si pe romanii din SUA, in special pe cei de la Chicago. La sfarsitul acestei saptamani urma sa aibe loc cel mai de amploare targ romanesc de turism si afaceri pe pamant american. Datorita faptului ca atat oamenii cat si produsele care trebuiau sa ajunga la show au ramas fie blocate pe drum, fie n-au putut pleca deloc din Romania, organizatorii au decis sa amane organizarea lui pana la o data care va fi stabilita ulterior. 
 (foto: reclama pe autobuze cu targul in downtown Chicago)
Canalul CBS 2 news Chicago a prezentat un material legat de targul care ar fi trebuit sa aibe loc joi si vineri, si la care ar fi trebuit sa participe nu doar companii dar si invitati speciali din Romania .

Niles, April 19th 2010 - 2:30 PM
The terrible news that took front page in all European newspapers during the last week, pertaining to the Volcano in Iceland, has hit extremely hard the American Romanian Tourism and Trade Show (ARTTS) scheduled to take place this week in Chicago at Navy Pier, on April 22nd and 23rd.
Over twenty companies from Romania scheduled to come at ARTTS and exhibit their products and services have been forced to delay their arrival due to impossibility of travel. Their products and display materials are blocked in Munich, Germany, with no chance to reach Chicago for at least another week. All Romanian officials that planned to come to ARTTS, senators and members of the Parliament, government representatives and the Secretary of State - head of the Department for the Romanians Abroad, have been told that their travel arrangements are canceled for the time being as all flights over the European continent are canceled. Also, our special guests entertainers from Romania can not come for the same reason: no flights in or out of Romania.
Under the circumstances, the organizers of ARTTS are being forced by evident consequences caused by the Iceland's Volcano, to delay this very special event.
In an attempt to reschedule the event for another date sometime this year, we are currently renegotiating with the venue, City of Chicago's Navy Pier, as well as with the Romanian Government's representatives including the Ministry of Economy - Department of Foreign Commerce and of the Romanian Ministry of Tourism and Regional Development. As soon as a date is available we will be communicating it to you all. We apologize for this unforeseen inconvenience.
For further details or updates, please continue to check our website at: www.ARTTSChicago.com
