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14 ianuarie, 2012.
Ziua de 12 ianuarie este una trista pentru membrii bisericilor penticostale romanesti sau pentru cei care l-au cunoscut pe pastorul Ionica Buia. In aceasta zi a avut un nou proces de analizare a cazului in care pastorul Buia era acuzat de abuzuri sexuale.
Din anumite surse prezente la proces, s-ar parea ca in urma audierilor facute cei de la de Church of God, pastorul Ionica Buia ar fi fost gasit vinovat pentru acuzatiile care i se aduc, respectiv ca ar fi agresat si abuzat sexual o serie de femei, care la vremea respectiva erau minore. Se pare ca hotararea finala a fost semnata in unanimitate de catre bordul de judecata a Church of God.
Unii dintre martori prezenti la proces declara ca pastorul Ionica Buia arata abatut, cu o fata trista si pierduta, fara puterea de privi in ochi victimele pe care s-ar parea ca le-ar fi abuzat sexual.
Conform regulamentului de functionare interioara a Church of God, pastorul Buia ar urma sa fie suspendat permanent din pastoratie.
Deocamdata stirea nu este confirmata oficial, asteptand si un raspuns in scris de la organizatia Church of God.
22 decembrie: Conform unor declaratii facute de persoane din anturajul familiei Buia, acestia mi-au declarat ca scandalul a izbucnit pe fondul unor probleme mai vechi existente in biserica. Problemele au fost legate nu atat de abuzuri sexuale cat mai ales de functii si putere, in cadrul conducerii bisericii conduse pana nu de mult de pastorul Ionica Buia. Persoanele respective vazand ca nu reusesc sa il inlature de la conducere pe Ionica Buia au apelat la acest scandal de abuz sexual.
Intr-un mesaj primit azi, 18 decembrie, in legatura cu acest caz, am fost instiintat ca pe 5 ianuarie 2012 bordul de conducere al organizatiei Church of God, din care biserica pastorului Ionica Buia face parte, se va întrunit pentru a revizui acest caz.
December 2, 2011
For more information, contact:
Scot Carter, Director
Church of God Communications
Email: scarter@ churchofgod.org
On September 8, 2011, a trial board rendered a ruling regarding Reverend Ioan J. Buia, pastor of the Alleluia Romanian Church of God, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. In recent days new evidence and increasing rumors or questions regarding Reverend Buia and alleged additional victims have arisen. In light of this information, the International Executive Committee has deemed it necessary to appoint a new trial board to consider new evidence in this matter. That trial board is scheduled to meet on January 5, 2012.
Church of God Communications Director
T. Scot Carter
PO Box 2430
2490 Keith Street NW
Cleveland TN 37320-2430
Phone: 423.478.7112
Un numar de sase femei din cadrul comunitatii romanesti au depus plangere impotriva pastorului Ioan (Ionica/Johnny) Buia din Dearborn Heights, o suburbie a metropolei Detroit, anunta mass media americana din Michigan.
Femeile au aflat unele de altele abia de curand realizand ca toate au fost la un moment dat abuzate sexual de pastorul lor. Doua dintre din femei, Laura si Maria, erau in momentul abuzarii minore. Una din victime il acuza ca a obligat-o sa faca sex oral.
Pastorul Ionica Buia o figura carismatica si foarte populara in cadrul comunitati romanesti neo-protestante din America neaga insa acuzatiile care i se aduc. Liderii religiosi ai organizatiei Church of God, din care face parte biserica Aleluia Romanian Church Detroit pastorita de Ionica Buia, s-au adunat la Detroit in luna August, 2011 pentru a analiza situatia. Initial, conform Times Herald Newspapers, s-a ajuns la un acord cu doua dintre victimele care au acceptat sa nu mai faca plangere la politie, urmand ca pastorul Buia sa fie suspendat timp de un an de zile. Ulterior insa in luna Septembrie membrii bisericii pe care Ionica Buia o pastoreste au decis ca nu sunt destule evidente pentru a-l face pe acesta vinovat de acuzatiile pe care victimele i le aduc. Comitetul a decis insa sa il suspende pe o perioada de 6 luni timp in care sa beneficieze de consiliere. Nemultumita de decizie una din victime a cerut o noua audiere conducerii generale. Cererea i-a fost insa respinsa motiv pentru care victimele isi cauta dreptate in instanta, fiind depuse plangeri la autoritatile americane.
Imagini Video: reportajul televiziunii locale din Michigan
14 ianuarie, 2012.
Ziua de 12 ianuarie este una trista pentru membrii bisericilor penticostale romanesti sau pentru cei care l-au cunoscut pe pastorul Ionica Buia. In aceasta zi a avut un nou proces de analizare a cazului in care pastorul Buia era acuzat de abuzuri sexuale.
Din anumite surse prezente la proces, s-ar parea ca in urma audierilor facute cei de la de Church of God, pastorul Ionica Buia ar fi fost gasit vinovat pentru acuzatiile care i se aduc, respectiv ca ar fi agresat si abuzat sexual o serie de femei, care la vremea respectiva erau minore. Se pare ca hotararea finala a fost semnata in unanimitate de catre bordul de judecata a Church of God.
Unii dintre martori prezenti la proces declara ca pastorul Ionica Buia arata abatut, cu o fata trista si pierduta, fara puterea de privi in ochi victimele pe care s-ar parea ca le-ar fi abuzat sexual.
Conform regulamentului de functionare interioara a Church of God, pastorul Buia ar urma sa fie suspendat permanent din pastoratie.
Deocamdata stirea nu este confirmata oficial, asteptand si un raspuns in scris de la organizatia Church of God.
22 decembrie: Conform unor declaratii facute de persoane din anturajul familiei Buia, acestia mi-au declarat ca scandalul a izbucnit pe fondul unor probleme mai vechi existente in biserica. Problemele au fost legate nu atat de abuzuri sexuale cat mai ales de functii si putere, in cadrul conducerii bisericii conduse pana nu de mult de pastorul Ionica Buia. Persoanele respective vazand ca nu reusesc sa il inlature de la conducere pe Ionica Buia au apelat la acest scandal de abuz sexual.
Intr-un mesaj primit azi, 18 decembrie, in legatura cu acest caz, am fost instiintat ca pe 5 ianuarie 2012 bordul de conducere al organizatiei Church of God, din care biserica pastorului Ionica Buia face parte, se va întrunit pentru a revizui acest caz.
December 2, 2011
For more information, contact:
Scot Carter, Director
Church of God Communications
Email: scarter@ churchofgod.org
On September 8, 2011, a trial board rendered a ruling regarding Reverend Ioan J. Buia, pastor of the Alleluia Romanian Church of God, in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. In recent days new evidence and increasing rumors or questions regarding Reverend Buia and alleged additional victims have arisen. In light of this information, the International Executive Committee has deemed it necessary to appoint a new trial board to consider new evidence in this matter. That trial board is scheduled to meet on January 5, 2012.
Church of God Communications Director
T. Scot Carter
PO Box 2430
2490 Keith Street NW
Cleveland TN 37320-2430
Phone: 423.478.7112
Un numar de sase femei din cadrul comunitatii romanesti au depus plangere impotriva pastorului Ioan (Ionica/Johnny) Buia din Dearborn Heights, o suburbie a metropolei Detroit, anunta mass media americana din Michigan.
Femeile au aflat unele de altele abia de curand realizand ca toate au fost la un moment dat abuzate sexual de pastorul lor. Doua dintre din femei, Laura si Maria, erau in momentul abuzarii minore. Una din victime il acuza ca a obligat-o sa faca sex oral.
Pastorul Ionica Buia o figura carismatica si foarte populara in cadrul comunitati romanesti neo-protestante din America neaga insa acuzatiile care i se aduc. Liderii religiosi ai organizatiei Church of God, din care face parte biserica Aleluia Romanian Church Detroit pastorita de Ionica Buia, s-au adunat la Detroit in luna August, 2011 pentru a analiza situatia. Initial, conform Times Herald Newspapers, s-a ajuns la un acord cu doua dintre victimele care au acceptat sa nu mai faca plangere la politie, urmand ca pastorul Buia sa fie suspendat timp de un an de zile. Ulterior insa in luna Septembrie membrii bisericii pe care Ionica Buia o pastoreste au decis ca nu sunt destule evidente pentru a-l face pe acesta vinovat de acuzatiile pe care victimele i le aduc. Comitetul a decis insa sa il suspende pe o perioada de 6 luni timp in care sa beneficieze de consiliere. Nemultumita de decizie una din victime a cerut o noua audiere conducerii generale. Cererea i-a fost insa respinsa motiv pentru care victimele isi cauta dreptate in instanta, fiind depuse plangeri la autoritatile americane.
Imagini Video: reportajul televiziunii locale din Michigan
In al doilea rand idea ca Ioan Buia "beneficiaza de consiliere" si alegearea cuvintelor nvst este inselatoare. Adevrul este ca oricarui om care este acuzat de o asemenea crima in USA ai este cerut sa participe la anumite clase 'psychological evaluation' sau counseling. Aceste 'tratamente' sunt recomandate pentru a afla mai mult despre psihicul celui acuzat, dar si ca un tratament in cazul in care acuzatiile sunt false... multi oameni acuzati pe fals de asemenea crime nu s-au recuperat niciodata.
Un Grup de Pastori Penticostali
Please Watch: Stand Up For Victims of Buia, at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stand-Up-For-Victims-of-Buia/290890357620660
FACT: Channel 4 News conducted its own investigation and decided this story had to be told. It aired three separate segments that can still be viewed on their website at http://www.clickondetroit.com/news.
FAPT: Channel 4 de televiziune au condus ancheta lor proprie si au decis ca aceast caz trebuie facut public. Si l-au emis in trei segmente diferite care pot fi urmarite pe website-ul lor la http://www.clickondetroit.com/news
FACT: The Church of God did not find Buia “innocent”. The Church of God has already suspended Buia for six months.
FAPT: Church of God nu l-au gasit pe Buia “nevinovat”. Ei, deja, l-au suspendat pe Ioan Buia sase luni.
FACT: The Church of God has convened a new trial board on January 12, 2012 to consider whether to revoke Buia’s credentials permanently and to strip him of membership in the Church of God. Six of the known victims and several other supportive witnesses will testify.
FAPT: Church of God a reconvenit si stabilit un nou proces, pe 12 Ianuarie, 2012, ca sa determine daca sa revoce scrisorile de acreditare si sa-i anuleze lui Buia Ioan pozitia de membru al Church of God. Sase dintre victimele cunoscute, si alti martori, vor depune marturii.
FACT: The Church of God USA has invited any women who wish to make formal charges to submit them to: Rev. Dennis McGuire RTO Director at: dmcguire@churchofgod.org with copies to the International Executive Council at: gocog@churchofgod.org, cog1a@churchofgod.org, cog2a@churchofgod.org, cog3a@churchofgod.org, cogsecgeneral@churchofgod.org
FAPT: Church of God a invitat pe orice femeie care doreste sa depuna acuzatii formale sa le trimita la: Rev. Dennis McGuire RTO Director email: dmcguire@churchofgod.org si sa trimita copii la Consiliul Executiv International, la gocog@churchofgod.org, cog1a@churchofgod.org, cog2a@churchofgod.org, cog3a@churchofgod.org, cogsecgeneral@churchofgod.org
Vom reveni.
FACT: Since their allegations became public, the victims have become aware of other abuse allegations and stories regarding pastor Ioan Buia. There continues to be a great deal of fear, and it is not yet clear whether additional allegations will be part of the January 12, 2012 trial board. The victims who have come forward have been called vile names and have faced verbal abuse and intimidation – some even from their own families. They understand why someone would be reluctant to come forward, but they want to encourage everyone with information provide it now. Now is the time! They implore you to stand with them and to help make sure this never happens to anyone else again.
“Unity” that does not protect children is not worth preserving.
“Forgiveness” without accountability and repentance is an empty word.
Any “man” who would hurt a child or a woman does not deserve to be called a man.
For anyone who would sacrifice the truth or endanger children to avoid bringing “shame” on your church or your family, the only shame is on you.
FAPT: De cand acuzatiile lor au devenit publice, victimele au fost informate si despre de alte cazuri de abuz din partea lui Ioan Buia. Se pare ca inca exista multa frica si inca nu se stie daca alte declaratii vor fi furnizate la procesul din 12 Ianuarie 2012. Victimele care au venit in public, au intampinat abuzuri verbale si intimidare – unele chiar din familiile lor. Ele inteleg de ce mai evita unele vistime de a veni in public, dar incurajeaza pe oricine are vreo informatie sa o trimita acum. Acum este timpul! Ele va implora sa fiti alaturi de ele ca sa nu se intample asa ceva la nimeni altcineva.
“Unitatea” care nu protejeaza copiii nu merita sa fie pastrata.
“Iertarea” unor asemenea crime fara tragere la raspundere si pocainta este un cuvant fara semnificatie.
Un “barbat” care raneste si isi bate joc de un copil sau o femeie, nu merita sa fie numit barbat.
Oricine care ar sacrifica adevarul sau ar primejdui viata unui copil ca sa evite a aduce “rusine” bisericii sau familiei sale, singura rusine este peste acea persoana.
FACT: To date there are at least six (6) additional known victims – with the total of 13 victims – who told their stories to various parties, including the authorities, church leaders, families and friends.
FAPT: La ora actuala cel putin alte sase (6) victime (ajugindu-se astfel la 13 victime) si-au spus tragedia lor la persoane diferite, inclusiv la autoritati, lideri de biserica, familiile si prietenii lor.
As we approach the day of re-trial, please continue to pray to God for all the victims who will exercise the courage to go through this process again.
Acum cind ne apropiem de ziua rejudecarii dosarului BUIA, va rugam sa va rugati lui Dumnezeu pentru toate victimele ce vor arata curajul de a trece, din nou, prin acest proces de judecata.
Vom reveni.
Part I.
FACT: Most of the women were minor children at the time of the incidents (5 of the victims were 8, 9, 12 or 13, 13, and 17, respectively).
FAPT: Cele mai multe dintre femei au fost copii minori cand aceste evenimente s-au intamplat (5 victime au fost de 8, 9, 12 ani sau 13, 13, si 17).
FACT: The first four victims brought their charges to the Romanian Church of God & R.T.O. Unfortunately, the Church of God’s initial handling of this situation was deeply flawed and unjust. The victims were badly mistreated. The facts are well-documented and areindisputable. For anyone who still has doubts, you should know that thenational Church of God has convened a new trial board on January 12, 2012 tofreshly consider all of these issues.
FAPT: Primele patru victime auadus acuzatii inaintea lui Romanian Church of God. Din nefericire, acestia la inceput au tratat aceasta situatie cu foarte mare neglijenta si nedreptate. Victimele au fost rau tratate. Desi faptele au fost incontestabile si bine documentate. Pentru oricine mai are vre-o indoiala, e bine sa stie ca Church of God National (USA) a convenit un nou proces pe 12 Ianuarie 2012 pentru a reconsidera toate acuzatiile care s-au adus pana acum.
FACT: The Troy Police conducted an investigation, deemed the allegations to be credible, and referred this for prosecution.
FAPT: Departamentul Politiei din orasul Troy,MI a inceput o ancheta, a crezut acuzatiile si le-au trimis la procuratura pentru judecata.
FACT: The Oakland County Prosecutor advised with regret that prosecution could not proceed solely due to the statute of limitations – a timing defense that has nothing to do with whether these things happened.
FAPT: Procuratura din Oakland County au informat cu regret ca nu pot sa continue cu judecata din cauza legii care spune ca a trecut limita de timp (pentru prescrierea raspunderii penale) alocata judecarii unor astfel de fapte – asta nu inseamna ca aceste lucruri nu s-au intamplat.
FACT: The Troy Police have kept their investigation open and are actively pursuing any and all leads. The Troy Police are accepting tips, at phone: 248 524-0777, and have instructed those who may be afraid that they can provide information anonymously. The lead detective is inregular communication with the victims.
FAPT: Departamentul de Politie din Troy,MI mentine ancheta deschisa si continua sa primeasca informatii legate de acest caz. Politia accepta indicatii la numarul: (248)524-0777 si au informat ca cei carora le este teama, sa sune anonim. Detectivul care conduce ancheta aceasta este in comunicare constanta cu victimele.
FACT: The Troy Police and the Oakland Prosecutor strongly encouraged the victims to take their allegations public in order to encourage others to come forward. This is the reason the victims went to Channel 4 news. The Police and Prosecutor are seeking more recent allegations that are not barred by the statute of limitation and which can be prosecuted. If an incident within the statute of limitations is discovered, the testimony of the other victims would be supportive evidence in that case. Other victims would not stand alone!
FAPT: Departamentul Politiei din Troy si Procuratura din Oakland,MI au incurajat foarte mult victimele sa-si faca acuzatiile publice pentru a incuraja alte victime sa vorbeasca. Acesta este motivul pentru care victimele au mers la Channel 4 News.
Politia si Procuratura asteapta niste cazuri mai recente, care nu sunt excluse si prescrise de statutul de timp limitat, pentru a continua urmarirea penala si judecata. Daca un singur incident in aceasta limita de timp se descopera, marturisirile celorlalte victime vor fi considerate ca evidenta/probe in acest caz. Si celelalte victime nu vor fi singure!
First off, there was NO new investigation done by COG. The entire trial took less than 8 hours, and was simply statements by the alleged victims. Please remember, the first COG trial took two days, and an investigation was conducted. This means psychiatrists were brought in, and evaluations were done. This trial was based solely on statements and had no expert interpretation to evaluate the statements. Secondly, out of that 8 hours, a majority of it was dedicated solely to victims statements, and left little to no time for Buia to give a defense. The video which was posted of Ft. Buias marital vow renewal was not shown due to lack of time, a video which proves most, if not all of the statements false by the alleged victims. Because of this, there will be an appeal, and it will hopefully happen soon. Now, to clarify the police investigation, and please pay close attention to what I'm about to say, the Police are not taking any of this to trial, and the prosecutor has not formally pressed charges. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH STATUES OF LIMITATION. Now do me a favor, and read that sentence again. Legal professionals, meaning not the people at COG, actually have done investigations, and have found the evidence and statements to be too insubstantial for a trial. This means that the allegations don't make enough sense, and the stories are too inconsistent and don't add up for any court to consider taking the trial. This leaves one last hail mary for the "victims", another trial by COG. Believe what you want about the trial that was done, but if you ask me, there was too much PR pressure towards COG, and if they ruled in favor of Buia, they would've felt way to much negative feedback, so to them, better to make one suffer than have the committee suffer.
Dumnezeu sa le dea intelepciune si la unii si la altii.
Malachi 2: 7-9
"For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. But you are departed out of the way; ye have cause many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts. Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my ways, but have been partial..."
Maleahi 2: 7-9
"Caci buzele preotului trebuie sa pazeasca stiinta, si din gura lui se asteapta invatatura, pentru ca el este un sol al Domnului ostirilor. Dar voi v-ati abatut din cale, ati facut din Lege un prilej de cadere pentru multi, si ati calcat legamantul lui Levi, zice Domnul ostirilor. De aceea si Eu va voi face sa fiti dispretuiti si injositi inaintea intregului popor, pentruca n-ati pazit caile Mele, ci cautati la fata oamenilor..." No
amount of lies from “Stand Up for Buia” can change the fact that the Church of God has found Johnny Buia guilty of molesting children – of reaching into the pants of 8 and 9 year old girls and much more. Lying is a small thing for someone who would commit these acts. To all of you who thought the victims should bring this dispute before the church: they have. Six of them were brave enough to raise formal charges. The church has ruled: guilty on all charges. The trial board’s decision was unanimous. The board included a Romanian pastor, Gheorghe Strimbu, who agreed that Johnny Buia molested children. Those of you who continue to “Stand Up for Buia,” know this: you are standing up for someone the Church of God has found to be a child molester. Is this really where you want to stand?
It would take too much time to respond to every lie in the Stand Up for Buia post. Every line is riddled with falsehood. The truth will become evident soon enough. Johnny Buia’s ministerial credentials have been PERMANENTLY revoked. This means he will never again be a pastor in the Church of God. Never. Not at Pardee or anywhere else. He has been disfellowshipped from the Church of God. If you want to know what this means, read 1 Corinthians 5. These rulings were communicated, in writing, to each victim directly from the General Overseer of the Church of God (Raymond Culpepper).
The Troy Police have remained in constant contact with the victims. The lead detective has specifically requested that the victims notify the community that the investigation is OPEN and that they are accepting anonymous tips for anyone who is afraid or does not want to be identified. The tip line is (248) 524-0777.
The prosecutor has also been extremely supportive and has advised the statute of limitations – a timing defense that has nothing to do with whether these things happened – is the only thing standing between Johnny Buia and prosecution. If one more recent victim steps forward, Johnny Buia will be prosecuted in less time than it has taken you to read this post.
You may want to think about this when you are deciding where to “stand.”
Exodul 23:1-2,
1. Să nu răspândeşti zvonuri neadevărate. Să nu te uneşti cu cel rău, ca să faci o mărturisire mincinoasă pentru el.
2 Să nu te iei după mulţime ca să faci rău; şi la judecată să nu mărturiseşti trecând de partea celor mulţi, ca să abaţi dreptatea.
Un pacat asa grav ar fi fost dat pe fata si facut de cunoscut de insusi D-zeu. Nu de niste femei stricate care sint orbite si folosite de insusi Diavolul !!!
Shame on them ! And, Lord have mercy on them...judgement day is going to be tough on them all !
Ceva nu se prea potriveste aici, prea pare cusuta cu ata alba. Numai Dumnezeu stie insa adevarul.