Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

USL-ul ingrijoreaza Departamentul de Stat al SUA

Departamentul de Stat al SUA este ingrijorat de situatia din Romania!
 In toata perioada de asa zis "dictatura Basescu" n-am auzit ca Departamentul de Stat al SUA sa emita un comunicat in care sa isi exprime ingrijorarea fata de situatia institutiilor publice si-a democratiei din Romania. De ce oare?! 
 Pentru ca acum sub conducerea USL (Crin Antonescu, Victor Ponta & Co) este amentintata independenta unor institutii ale statului, in special justitia!

" We are concerned about recent developments occurring in Romania, our NATO Ally and partner, which threaten democratic checks and balances and weaken independent institutions, such as the courts. As the government contemplates the serious step of removing Romania’s head of state, we urge that the process be conducted in a fully fair and transparent manner, with scrupulous respect for the rule of law and democratic ideals. The United States stands with our EU partners and urges that Romania uphold and protect the common values and principles that unite the European and trans-Atlantic community of nations.  " 


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