Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

A Benefit Concert for the Romanian Cultural Garden

The Friends of the Romanian Cultural Garden, in association with the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, will hold a concert on Friday evening October 5, 2012 to benefit the future development of the Romanian Cultural Garden, located in Rockefeller Park. The event will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the Waetjen Auditorium on the campus of Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Avenue. The concert, presented by the Cleveland State University Orchestra, will feature the music of George Enescu and other well-known Romanian composers and musicians. Please see the attached flyer for event details and information on how to reserve tickets.

Since 1967, the Cultural Garden has been the site of the nation's only urban garden dedicated to perpetuating Romanian-American cultural heritage. Part of the nationally-renowned Cleveland Cultural Gardens located in Rockefeller Park on Martin Luther King Drive, the Garden is a testament to the link between Cleveland and Romania, land of our forebears.

The Friends of the Romanian Cultural Garden, established in 2011, was formed to help conserve, restore, enhance and improve this prime property within Rockefeller Park. Members and associates of the Friends are a collection of individuals of Romanian-American heritage that come from a variety of professions and backgrounds. All share an abiding interest in improving the Garden. The group has coordinated the development of a master plan and related budget to guide the Garden's future physical development. This information will be on display at the concert.

The Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, established in 1990, is the oldest bilateral trade association dedicated to the development of business relationships between Romania and the United States.

We look forward to seeing you at this outstanding cultural event.

Lucian Fogoros
Delegate to the Cleveland Cultural Garden: Romania
OPTIMO, Executive Vice President
Lecturer, Cleveland State University
Industrial Automation * Industrial Automation Mobile Applications, Fenn College of Engineering
P.O. Box 450624, Westlake , Ohio 44145 U.S.A.
Email: L.Fogoros@ieee.org or L.fogoros@csuohio.edu
Cell: +1440-715-0564
