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Iulian Buga noul ambasador al Romaniei in SUA si-a prezentat scrisorile de acreditare presedintelui Obama
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MAE a anuntat ca noul ambasador al României în Statele Unite ale Americii, Iulian Buga, si-a prezentat scrisorile de acreditare presedintelui american Barack Obama, in cadrul unei ceremonii care a avut loc la Casa Albă.
Iulian Buga are 22 de ani vechime in dilpomatie fiind printre altele consul la Los Angeles, California. Anterior numirii sale in SUA, acesta a fost ambasador in Irlanda si Regatul Tarilor de Jos.
Iulian Buga : “I consider myself very fortunate", stated the Romanian ambassador, “to have the opportunity to carry out this assignment in a period of unprecedented political and military cooperation. The access of the US forces to Romanian training facilities, the procurement of F-16 fighter jets, the use of the Mihail Kogălniceanu base as one of the main hubs of the retrograde process of US forces from Afghanistan, and especially the recent groundbreaking ceremony at Deveselu Missile Defense base, all represent historical and strategic evidence of the deep commitment of both countries in strengthening and supporting the strategic Romanian-American partnership and the common contribution to regional security and stability. ”
“The personal commitment that I take on at the beginning of my mission in the United States,” stated the Romanian ambassador, "is to work with all my energy on expanding and strengthening bilateral trade and economic exchanges in general – including by encouraging and facilitating investments and technology transfers – as well as for the enhancement of scientific cooperation, in education and cultural exchanges.”
“I pledge to work tirelessly with the US Government and the US Congress to include Romania in the Visa Waver program as soon as possible. This will represent a natural and symbolic gesture for one of the most steadfast and loyal allies of the United States.”