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The project “I Want Home” is looking for generous and heartly sponsors

The project “I Want Home” is an initiative aiming to reduce the high abandonment rate of newborn children in Romania. Working closely with the local authorities and hearty volunteers, we identify cases with high risk of being abandon and offer material and emotional support to mothers and families in distress in an attempt to increase the odds that the newly born child remains with their parent(s). The approach has proven successful in Iasi, Romania; however the number of interventions is small due to limited financial resources.
 Saint Paraskeva Charity in Chicago has committed to help scale up the effort and stepped in to support the needy families with baby food, clothing and supplies for the first 6 months of life of their newborn child. We invite our generous donors to join us in this noble and important cause by committing to sponsor a child for the period indicated above, thus increasing his/her chance to grow up in a loving family and not in an institution.
If you like to become a sponsor ($150/month) and “adopt” a new born baby for the first six months of his life, please contact Saint Paraskeva Charity: contact@spcharity.org  Ph: (773) 353-7416
The sponsors will be provided with all the details of the family/child they will "adopt" so they can follow their progress. 

Cu doar 150 de dolari pe luna timp de 6 luni puteti contribui la reducerea numarului de copii noi nascuti abandonati in Romania.
Daca inainte de 1989  putini aveam cunostinta de numarul copiilor abandonati  in orfelinate si de conditiile inumane in care erau crescuti si tratati, precum niste animalele, acum avem obligatia umana, morala sau crestineasca de a ne implica mai mult in a-i sprijini pe cei care sunt mai putin norocosi decat noi din punct de vedere financiar.
Proiectul "Vreau Acasa"  are ca obiectiv reducerea abandonului noilor nascuti prin oferirea de suport financiar care consta in cumpararea de scutece, lapte si cele necesare unui nou nascut. Organizatia umanitara Sfanta Parascheva din Chicago impreuna cu institutii de profil din Romania incearca sa vina in ajutorul familiilor aflate in dificultate si in pragul abandonului noilor nascuti. Prin implicarea noastra putem face o diferenta enorma in societatea romaneasca si in viitorul acestor copii.
Cei interesati vor putea primi detalii despre copilul/familia pe care o sponsorizeaza.

contact@spcharity.org  Ph: (773) 353-7416
