Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

VIDEO: Romanian Rroma aka gypsies who scam Americans all over the country

                Romanian Rroma aka Gypsy gathering in a park near Chicago Ohare- summer 2023

Have you heard of the people who got scammed with fake gold jewelries at gas stations or on side of major US highways? What about those pretending to play violin in the mall or shopping center's parking lots?! Or others just simply using their young children as pawns to beg at major intersections in cities across the country. The scams are diverse and  have something in common: they are Romanian Rroma or gypsies. Some have committed other crimes and have been arrested  and convicted. 

Who are those people?! They are a minority group from Romania or even other eastern European countries. In the 90's and 2000's they were  doing similar crimes all over Europe. Now they moved their scams and crimes into the USA. They are not coming here by plane, using a visitor's visa. They fly into Mexico, where as European citizens they are not required a visa entry and then they use smugglers to cross the southern boarder into the USA. They ask for political asylum so they can enter, then they get in touch with other of their family or peers already here.  I meet them and spoke with them multiple times. Sometimes they can get aggressive if they see that you are filming the interaction.  They have SUV's and vans that are traveling with all over the country doing scams and various illegal activities. 

If you see them don't give them money for their fake gold, don't get impressed by their fake music playing, just call the caps and report them.
