
Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

News from the West Wing

Joe Biden i-a spus lui Obama sa nu-l atace pe Bin Laden

Behind The Scenes: Writing the 2012 State of the Union Address

News from the West Wing

President and First Lady welcome home the troops

News from the West Wing

News from the West Wing

Obama scapa curcanul de la sacrificare

Presedintele Obama citind Psalmul 46 si comemorand 9-11 in New York

News from the West Wing

Barack Obama si-a anuntat astazi candidatura pentru un nou mandat

News from the West Wing

Obama urges Americans to talk with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds

Sarbatori fericite din partea familiei Obama

Barack Obama in vizita fulger in Afganistan

Vote in November 2nd, 2010

News from the West Wing

News from the West Wing

Sigiliul presedintelui cade de pe podium

Inedit: Pasaportul presedintelui SUA