Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

Comentariu pe marginea aparitiei cartii lui Ion Mihai Pacepa

Ioan Mihai Pacepa
In urma aparitiei si in Romania a cartii "Programat sa ucida" a lui Ion Mihai Pacepa, am cerut un comentariu asupra cartii, unui investigator si istoric american, domnul Larry Hancock, extrem de familiarizat cu acest caz, fiind el insusi autor al unor carti despre asasinarea lui Kennedy.

"As the introduction to his book suggests, the issue of Soviet sponsorship has come up continually and had numerous champions over theyears. Numerous people including the CIA have pored over the material looking for just that...Hoover would have especially loved to produce any evidence of Red sponsorship and even asked Johnson for more time to try and do so. And now Pacepa revisits the issue - stating up front that he belives in his bones that it was the Russians...and thereby announcing his lack of objectivity by declaring what is to be found before he even begins his studies. From there he does an operational analysis which proves what he was looking to find, not a huge surprise. Unfortunately I've seen dozens of such studies by well intentioned people setting out to prove what they belive before they begin - and frankly all of them manage to do just that. The JFK case has sufficient loose ends, sufficient data (millions of records) and a related social network which allows one to connect it to virtually any motive and any organization.There is not doubt that he can make a case, others have made that same case before. Personally I am uncomfortable with any research which begins with the individual "knowing" the sponsors in their bones before they even begin and I don't trust any research that begins from the top down. Beyond that I cannot accept a proof which does not considere the actual remarks made from individuals privy to the conspiracy which which come from highly credible and corroborated sources. It's also not to doubt that Oswald shows clear signs of being "handled" by intelligence contacts and of being managed as part of intelligence projects including counter-intelligence on the Soviets. That alone creates an operational profile and a variety of ongoing Russian oriented contacts.-- sorry to be negative but I've invested too many years to beat around the bush when asked for an opinion. Regards, Larry"

Pentru cei interesati de subiect va invit sa ascultati documentarul despre asasinarea lui JFK , realizat in limba romana si engleza, impreuna cu profesorul de istorie Dean Kotlowsky si domnul Larry Hancock. Documentarul poate fi gasit in varianta audio/video cat si scrisa printre articolele mai vechi postate pe blog.
