Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

Presedintele Obama se adreseaza Congresului American

Pentru prima data de cand este presedinte, Barack Obama s-a adresat in aceasta seara congresului american, in celebra cuvantare numita "State of the Union address". Dublarea exporturilor in urmatorii 5 ani, crearea de locuri de munca, reforma politica din Washingtton DC, inghetarea cheltuielilor federale nejustificate incepand cu anul viitor,  reforma medicala sau cea a imigrarii si multe altele au fost prezente in
 discursul presedintelui.
"Mai mult decat un deficit de bani avem  un deficit de incredere al oamenilor in guvernul din Washington " Barack Obama

"I just finished delivering my first State of the Union address.

I set out an urgent plan for restoring economic security for struggling middle class families. This is my top priority, but I cannot do it alone -- and that's why I'm writing to you now.
Tonight, I called on Congress to enact reforms and new initiatives to defend the middle class -- to create millions of new jobs, support small businesses, and drive up wages; to invest in the education of our children and the clean energy technology that must power our future; and to protect the economy from reckless Wall Street abuses.
And I made my position on health reform clear: We must not walk away. We are too close, and the stakes are too high for too many. I called on legislators of both parties to find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people.
I have no illusions -- there have been setbacks, and there will be more to come. The special interests who have shaped the status quo will keep fighting tooth and nail to preserve it.
So tonight, I'm asking you to join me in the work ahead. I need your voice. I need your passion. And I need your support.
We have just finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But a new year has come. A new decade stretches before us. We don't quit. I don't quit. Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.

Thank you for making it possible,

President Barack Obama"
