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Ambasada Romaniei din Washington DC invita romanii din zona la a 19-a editie a petrecerii de Craciun organizata pentru copii adoptati din Romania.
Pentru ca copii sunt deja mari ambasada va avea ca invitati speciali studenti romani de la cateva asociatii studentesti romanesti. Printre ele si cea a studentilor romani din Boston, care vor prezenta o parte din proiectele pe care le desfasoara in Statele Unite.
Romanian Embassy in Washington DC invites you to the 19th annual holiday party for children adopted from Romania.
This year,
because many of the children are already grown up, the Embassy will have the special
presence of several representative of Romanian students associations,
including someone from the League of Romanian Students Abroad, from Boston, who will have a presentation of some of the great
projects they have in the US.