Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

Smithfield Foods si teribilul tratament al porcilor

 Organizatia pentru protectia animalelor The Humane Society of the United States a facut pulic o investigatie sub acoperire la una din fermele de crestere a porcilor din Virginia. Dezvaluirile sunt cu privire la conditiile oribile in care sunt crescuti acesti porci. Fermele apartin celei mai mari companii  din lume, producatoare de carne de porc, Smithfield Foods Inc.
The Humane Society of the United States has released findings from an undercover investigation that documented the inhumane treatment of female breeding pigs and piglets at a Virginia factory farm owned by a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer.
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization, who's mission is to reduce suffering and improve the lives of all animals by advocating for better laws; investigating animal cruelty; encouraging corporations to adopt animal-friendly policies; conducting disaster relief and animal rescue; and providing direct care for thousands of animals.
Acestia au mai scos la iveala in trecut tratamente similare si la alte companii de crestere a animalelor precum Perdue sau Willmar Poultry Company.
