Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

Barack Obama suspenda procedurile de deportare pentru ilegali

Am sa va prezint in cele ce urmeaza cateva detalii despre noua lege pe care presedintele Obama a anuntat-o de curand ca o va pune in aplicare, cu privire la persoanele aflate ilegal in SUA. Acesta este doar un prim pas in ceea ce priveste reforma imigratiei. In viitorul apropiat se asteapta schimbari semnificative cu privire la cei aflati fara statut in America. 
Informatiile sunt puse la dispozitie de persoane autorizate, in masura sa ofere consultanta juridica in cest sens.

Suspendare status de deportare pentru categoriile de imigranti veniti in Statele Unite sub varsta de 16 ani:
In urma cu scurt timp, Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), impreuna cu Presedintele Obama au anuntat ca anumiti imigranti pot fi eligibili pentru suspendarea procedurilor de deportare. DHS inca nu a clarificat procesul de aplicare pentru noul statut, dar anumite benficii au fost deja clarificate prin comunicatele de presa emise de Casa Alba:
·         Aplicantii vor putea aplica pentru un permis de munca
·         Restul beneficiilor, inca neclare, se aplica pentru o perioada de 2 ani si pot fi ulterior reinnoite
Metodologia si criteriile dupa care aplicantii se vor putea ghida, nu vor fi emise de catre DHS decat la 60 de zile dupa data anuntului public de Vineri, 15 Iunie 2012. Cateva din criteriile aduse la cunostinta publicului larg sunt dupa cum urmeaza:
·         Aplicantii trebuie sa fi venit in SUA inainte de a implini varsta de 16 ani
·         Aplicantii trebuie sa fi locuit in SUA cel putin 5 ani, inainte de 15 Iunie, 2012 si trebuie sa fi fost prezenti in SUA pe acea data.
·         Trebuie sa fie inscrisi la scoala/absolvit liceu/obtinut GED sau sa aiba statut de veterani ai Garzii de Coasta sau fortelor armate americane
·         Sa nu fi comis crime pe teritoriul tarii si sa nu reprezinte o amenintare la adresa securitatii nationale a Statelor Unite
·         Sa nu fi depasit varsta de 16 ani.

Nume: BENNU Legal Services, NFP
            Adresa: 28835 North Herky Drive Lake Bluff, IL 60044‎
            Pentru limba romana cereti cu Tudor Ancas
            Telefon: 847-478-8200
            Executive Director: Andrew Sagartz, JD, MBA
            Website: www.bennulegal.com

Descriere BENNU Legal Services:

BENNU is a nonpartisan, nondenominational 501(c)(3) nonprofit “legal aid agency that works with suburban-based immigrants, as well as businesses, to build stronger and healthier communities” through legal aid, business consulting and community education. Located in Lake Bluff, Illinois, BENNU operates in the midst of the diverse population of Chicago’s suburbs. BENNU also operates out of several designated off-site locations like Zion, Racine, Kenosha, Waukegan, Highland Park, Bolingbrook and continuously attempts to serve as close to the Chicago and Milwaukee metropolitan areas as possible. Under the leadership of Andrew Sagartz, BENNU founder, executive director, and Senior Attorney, BENNU employs attorneys and legal assistants with decades of combined experience in immigration and business law including domestic abuse and family matters.
Providing affordable legal aid and business consulting to families and individuals new to the US, allows BENNU to assist the under-served and underprivileged immigrants living in poverty, as well as those who wish to achieve success through their business endeavors. To best serve their clients BENNU employs a sliding-scale fee structure that takes into account family size and income. In this way, quality legal help becomes affordable to many.
As an established non-profit organization, BENNU relies on volunteers to fulfill certain aspects of the work. Starting in 2009, BENNU had 25 volunteers. That increased to 81 in 2010 and 126 volunteers in 2011. As the number of volunteers increased the number of volunteer hours fluctuated. In 2009 BENNU volunteers donated 2,383 hours to BENNU. This number increased in 2010 to 6,222 but decreased in 2011 to 5,246.
Under the guidance of Andrew Sagartz, BENNU wishes to continue expanding towards providing business services for immigrant entrepreneurs. Beginning with legal aid, BENNU consults with people on their rights and responsibilities under US law thus, helping small business entrepreneurs to correctly navigate through the intricate US immigration system. By collaborating with a variety of organizations, we wish to begin promoting foreign investor visas and gradually increase our work with small businesses.


Anonim a spus…
BEWARE !! Do not give any money to these scammers from Bennu Legal Services NFP. I am one of their victim who payed them $7,000 for their legal help in getting an E2 US Visa and all they have done was nothing. They only took my money ! They trapped people with advertising like this one and they scam them. Consider yourselves warned if you read this !