Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

Sondaj de opinie pentru cetatenii moldoveni din SUA si Canada

Zilele trecute am fost contactat de o studenta americana de la Virginia Tech care mi-a cerut sprijinul in a mediatiza un studiu pe care il face despre cetatenii moldoveni care traiesc in SUA si Canada. Rezultatele acestui studiu o vor ajuta sa isi finalizeze lucrarea de masterat. 
Margaret A. Fesenmaier a locuit timp de doi ani in Republica Moldova ca si voluntar cu U.S. Peace Corps in domeniul medical. Iata ce mi-a declarat ea:

"I lived in Corjeuti, raionul Briceni, for two years while working with The United States Peace Corps.  I taught health classes at the local school and got to know my students very well.  I worked with the school nurse, Rodica, and she was amazing.  Rodica and her family taught me a lot about Moldovan culture and history (they even gave me a traditional outfit and tablecloth for my wedding!).  I was very sad to leave, but I am happy that my knowledge of the culture can help create something that will help the population... and maybe make Rodica's job a little easier!

Now, I am a graduate student at Virginia Tech.  I hope to be a professor one day and teach at a University.  Most of my studies focus on the spread of information, particularly through social media, i.e. facebook or twitter.  Originally, I am from Philadelphia and my family still lives there.

Also, the reason this research is so important: Moldova has one of the world's highest rates of family working abroad and sending money back home.  This model was recently decided by the G8 countries to be a very effective tool for economic development.  So, if my model works for Moldova, then possibly it will also help other nations that will follow the Moldovan system of remittance!?  I hope to find out!" Margaret Fesenmaier

"This website  (http://thedragosproject.blogspot.com/) is dedicated to my Master's Thesis Project.  I am seeking to understand the flow of health knowledge into The Republic of Moldova.  Particularly, how Moldovan immigrants transmit new information home to their family and friends.  It is possible that there are more effective pathways of information that could be used to increase health development in the nation.

If you are Moldovan, please take the quick survey found at "Take the Survey"/"Finializarea Ancheta" button at the top of this page! Or by clicking here  You can also help me spread the word, send this site to any Moldovan you think may be interested in completeing the survey! If you would like to learn more about myself or this project please visit the "About Me" page, found above.  

The purpose of this study is to measure attitudes toward a foreign population while it experiences an uprising. There is minimal risk involved in this study. Some benefits from research participation may include increased insight on social science research goals and procedures, as well as a conceptual understanding of issues presented by the media. The data provided by you will remain anonymous. You will not put identifying information on the questionnaire to protect your privacy. Your participation in this study is on a volunteer basis. If, at any time, you want to withdraw from the study, you may do so.
I voluntarily agree to participate in this study. I have read the above Consent Statement and conditions of this project. I have had all my questions answered. Submission of the survey will acknowledge the above and give my voluntary consent.
Should I have any pertinent questions about this research or its conduct, and research subjects' rights, and whom to contact in the event of a research-related injury to the subject, I may contact:
Investigator: Margaret Fesenmaier email: m.fes@vt.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Ivory email: jivory@vt.edu
Departmental Reviewer: Dr. John Tedesco email: tedesco@vt.edu
