Câți românii au ordin de deportare din SUA?

Adrian Postelnicu si Vasile Claudiu Popa ucisi in Afganistan

 Adrian Postelnicu si Vasile Claudiu Popa ucisi in Afganistan
Cei doi sublocotenenti (avansati post mortem) se aflau intr-o misiune de patrulare cand au calcat pe un dispozitiv explozibil improvizat fiind grav raniti. Conform MApN acestia au fost transportati de urgenta la un spital militar dar vietile lor nu au mai putut fi salvate. 
Din 2002 de cand Romania are trupe prezente in Afganistan, un numar de 25 de soldati si-au pierdut viata iar 71 au fost raniti. Numarul soldatilor romani din Afganistan este de 1500.

Two more Romanian soldiers died in Afganistan yesterday. 
Second Lieutenant (pm) Adrian Postelnicu and Second Lieutenant (pm) Vasile Claudiu Popa were killed yesterday by an IED during a routine patrol mission. Since 2002, when Romania sent their first soldiers in Afganistan, a number of 25 Romanian soldiers died and 71 were injured there. As of right now Romania has in Afganistan around 1500 soldiers.
