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Într-un comunicat de presa arhiepiscopul NATHANIEL, al Bisericii Ortodoxe din America, anunta faptul ca parintele Irineu este cercetat pentru comportament "sexual neadecvat".
Reguli si proceduri din indrumatorul Bisericii Ortodoxe de America aprobat anul trecut de sinodul bisericii.
.10 Sexual Harassment
:Sexual harassment is a type of sexual misconduct defined asunwelcome or unwanted advances, requests for sexual favors- by any means or media - or any other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:(A) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or membership;
(B) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or membership decisions affecting such individual; or
(C) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or ability to maintain membership or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, in any environment or institution where the person desires to become or remain an employee or member.
Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
(A) Physical, unwelcome touching;
(B) Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments 10
(C) Visual conduct such as derogatory and/or sexually oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures, texts via all forms of media;
(D) Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or to avoid some other adverse consequence, and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors;
(E) Inappropriate conduct or comments consistently targeted at only one gender, even if the content is not sexual;
(F) In the case of a person in a position of authority –whether it is actual, moral, emotional, legal or any form of ascendency of one person over another, any type of sexual activity or sexualized circumstances between him or her and one of his or her subordinates. While such activity may not explicitly be illegal, it is often against professional codes of ethics. Entering a sexual relationship with a subordinate, even when the contact is initiated by the latter, is unethical because of the subordinate's vulnerability.
(G) Retaliation for having reported or threatened to report sexual harassment.
(H) Some activities which are not strictly classified as erotic acts, e.g. mooning, streakingand , skinny dipping , are sometimes also categorized as sexual misconduct and can be part of a case of sexual harassment.
(I) The use or exhibiting of photographs, movies, videos or other imagery of a sexual or sexually suggestive nature that would reasonably be anticipated to cause
embarrassment, arousal or discomfort to others
Sexual Misconduct:
Sexual Misconduct encompasses a range of behavior used to
obtain sexual gratification against another or at the expense of another or in a situation where the
perpetrator is in a position of authority – physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual – over
the victim. Sexual Misconduct includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and any conduct of a
sexual nature that is without consent, or has the effect of threatening, intimidating or using the
person against whom such conduct is directed.
In a pastoral or counseling relationship, all sexual relations between a Clergyman and/or
Lay Worker and the person with whom there is a pastoral/professional relationship are deemed to
be without consent.
In addition to the definition of Sexual Misconduct cited above, clergy sexual misconduct
comprises any behavior and/or action that is not in accordance with the teaching of the Church
on the matter of sexuality. It encompasses a range of inappropriately eroticized relationships that
can be of a romantic, sexualized, or sexual nature or behavior, breaching the boundaries of the
pastoral relationship.
Where Sexual Misconduct has occurred, the reasons, or claimed reasons for such
behavior is not relevant. Moreover, since Sexual Misconduct often occurs after a period of
“grooming the victim”, it is still Sexual Misconduct although physical sexual relations did not
occur if reasonable minds would conclude that sexual relations were the intended or probable
consequence of the Clergy or Lay Worker’s actions.
Sexual Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Sexual relations and/or conduct by a Clergyman that violate the teachings and/or canons of
the Orthodox Church
Any sexual involvement or sexual contact by
a Clergyman or Lay Worker with another
person, who is not the Clergyman’s or Lay Worker’s spouse, and who is under the age of legal
consent, or who is legally incapable of giving consent.
Any unwelcome written, spoken, or physical sexual advance or conduct by a Clergyman or
Lay Worker;
Any direct or indirect request or suggestion for a sexual favor by a Clergyman, Lay Person
or Lay Worker where there is a Pastoral Relationship and/or an employment, mentor, and/or
colleague relationship between the persons involved;
Any use or exploitation by a Clergyman, Lay Person or Lay Worker of a supervisory
position or other position of authority in connection with such person’s sexual needs or
The attempted development of a sexual relationship within a Pastoral Relationship, whether
or not there is consent or apparent consent by both parties;
The initiation, continuation, or pursuit of a sexual relationship by a Clergyman, Lay Person
or Lay Worker with someone with whom he/she has a Pastoral Relationship, even if the
relationship is consensual; and/or
The use or exploitation by a Clergyman, Lay Person or Lay Worker of his/her position in
connection with his/her sexual needs or desires.
: SMPAC means the Sexual Misconduct Policy Advisory Committee
established by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America.
: Victim means any person who is, or allegedly is, the victim of sexual