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Frauda de zeci de milioane de dolari facuta de Daniel si Joe Goman printre romanii din America

Fraudă de aproximativ 45 de milioane de dolari săvârșită de frații Dan și Iosif Goman din Arizona,  cu compania lor OwnZones Media Network, anunță Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), agenția care monitorizează și coordonează lansarea de acțiuni pe piața publică de capital. Aceștia, se pare că, ar fi vândut ilegal, începând cu anul 2011, acțiuni la peste 1000 de investitori, 800 dintre ei fiind din rândul comunităților românești din America.
Printre angajații lor s-ar fi numărat și fostul șef de la Netflix Nick Nelson.
În 2017 compania OwnZone pare să fi fost sponsorul luptătorului de kickboxing Cătălin Moroșanu, la gala de la Madrid.
Tot în 2017, în luna martie,  UPC a anunțat la Palatul Bragadiru din București, lansarea în premieră, la nivelul companiei, a aplicației Ownzones Passport, în urma unui parteneriat cu o companie americană pentru realizarea unui portal de conținut exclusiv american dar și original românesc, aplicații similare urmând să fie lansate de UPC și în alte țări unde distribuie televiziune prin cablu și internet, anunța Forbes Romania.
Familia Goman pare să facă parte din comunitatea penticostală românească din Arizona.Cei doi sunt fii ai pastorului penticostal Leontin Goman, care a păstorit ani buni o biserica din statul Washington.

"From 2011 through the present, OwnZones Media Network, Inc., its CEO and president Daniel Goman (“Dan Goman”), and its agent and stock salesman Joseph Goman (“Joe Goman”) raised roughly $45 million offering and selling an unregistered securities offering to over a thousand investors without any exemption from registration. The company engaged in general solicitation and raised money from numerous unaccredited investors, purporting to avoid selling to too many unaccredited investors by devising a “subinvestment” process whereby “subinvestors’” money has been aggregated under supposedly accredited “direct investors.” OwnZones is continuing to raise money through its unregistered offering, taking in millions of dollars in recent months. 5. OwnZones, Dan Goman, and Joe Goman also committed fraud in the course of offering and selling OwnZones stock. Joe Goman, while selling OwnZones stock on behalf of the company, made multiple misstatements to investors that ranged from saying that Venture Capitalist MC and MGM had purchased OwnZones stock for $5 per share to representing that Google had offered to buy OwnZones for $500 million. Joe Goman also made baseless predictions that OwnZones was about to go public and that its IPO price would be many multiples higher than what investors were paying for their shares. OwnZones and Dan Goman made additional statements to investors concerning OwnZones’ IPO and the status of discussions with major company investors that were false or misleading. Moreover, Dan Goman, who runs the company’s day-to-day operations and has primary responsibility for handling investments in the company, is liable as a control person of OwnZones, and he did not act in good faith because he ignored multiple warning signs about Joe’s misconduct in connection with his OwnZones fundraising efforts. 

 OwnZones Media Network, Inc. is a Nevada corporation based in Beverly Hills, California.  OwnZones is an entertainment technology company that claims to provide a technology that allows content providers to make their content available in a standardized format to various digital platforms.  OwnZones has not registered any offerings or securities with the SEC.  9. Daniel Goman, age 43, is a resident of Los Angeles, California.  He is the founder, sole board member, president, chief executive officer, and largest shareholder of OwnZones Media Network, Inc.   10. Joseph Goman, age 31, is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona.  He is Dan Goman’s younger brother and was, until May 2018, a paid consultant for OwnZones who presented to current and prospective investors and also performed business development and sales functions

In total, OwnZones’ Series A offering has raised at least $45 million from hundreds of investors since July 2011. 21. OwnZones never registered its offering with the SEC. 22. OwnZones claimed in a Form D it filed with the SEC in April 2014 that it was relying on an exemption under Securities Act Regulation D, Rule 506(b).   23. As of April 29, 2019, the company had raised at least $39,049,603.78 during its Series A offering from over 1,000 investors.  Of that amount, over $33,809,988 was raised since the beginning of 2014.    24. Dozens of investors, some of whom had invested previously in OwnZones, have again invested in OwnZones in the last 12 months.  Some of the recent deposits into OwnZones’ account are for hundreds of thousands of dollars and, given OwnZones’ method of selling stock in the past, (see Section E, infra), likely consist of money aggregated from a number of individuals investing under a single individual’s name.   25. OwnZones raised $420,000 from investors in January 2020, the last full month for which the SEC has bank records. C. OwnZones’ Purported Series B Raise 26. OwnZones made some unsuccessful attempts to raise money from institutional investors, some of whom have contractual business relationships with OwnZones.  It deceived other investors by misrepresenting the status of these fundraising efforts.   27. OwnZones referred to its attempts to attract institutional investors as its “Series B” or “Series B raise.”  While OwnZones had preliminary discussions with a number of large, well-known companies, including companies with ties to Venture Capitalist MC, as well as MGM, Sinclair Broadcasting, and Google Ventures, those discussions never progressed to discussing critical terms of investment such as price per share and never resulted in an offer to invest.     28. OwnZones frequently referred to the Series B raise in its emailed investor updates and presentations, suggesting that it was near closing a Series B offering and that the offering would allow it to “hit its IPO.”  As of the end of September 2019, none of the major companies identified by OwnZones in its investor communications as being likely investors in the company had invested or offered to invest in OwnZones in Series B. D. OwnZones’ Solicitations of Series A Investors 29. Between 2011 and the beginning of 2016, Dan Goman was the principal person responsible for raising money for OwnZones and interfacing with investors.   30. Dan Goman’s efforts to solicit investors for OwnZones generally consisted of “networking and meeting with a lot of people.” 31. Approximately 80% of the capital raised by OwnZones came from Romanians or the Romanian-American community.  32. In early 2016, Dan Goman began to engage others to assist in soliciting OwnZones investors. 33.   In early 2016, Dan Goman gave his brother Joe Goman the task of presenting information about OwnZones to existing and prospective investors.   34. Joe Goman was authorized to, and did, present to existing and potential investors.  35. From March 2016 up until at least mid-2017, Joe Goman made a series of live presentations to groups of prospective investors, many of whom were acquaintances of existing investors or acquaintances of acquaintances. 36. Joe Goman raised at least $6 million from hundreds of people, many of whom had not previously invested in OwnZones.   37. From summer 2016 until November 2017, Individual F worked in OwnZones investor relations and communicated with investors from the company’s investor relations email account.  Individual B replaced her in approximately November 2017.  Individual B continues to work at OwnZones.  Individual F, and later Individual B, would field investor inquiries, handle investor documentation."

