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Illinois resident Quinn Keen pleading guilty to assaulting law enforcement during January 6, 2021


An Illinois man pleaded guilty today to assaulting law enforcement during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. His actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the 2020 presidential election.

            Quinn Keen, 36, of Manteno, Illinois, pleaded guilty today in the District of Columbia to a felony offense of assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers. U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly scheduled sentencing for June 27, 2024.

            According to court documents, on Jan. 6, 2021, Keen entered the restricted permitter of the U.S. Capitol at approximately 1:14 p.m. and made his way to the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol grounds. Here, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers had formed a police line behind bike rack barricades to restrict the crowd from further advancing on the restricted area.

            While on the Lower West Terrace, Keen confronted the police line and threw a water bottle and its contents at the officers. Moments later, other rioters had pulled a bike rack barricade from the police line to the ground. An MPD officer then bent over and attempted to pick the barricade up when Keen moved forward and shoved the officer with both of his hands, making physical contact and pushing the officer backward.

            Keen then backed away and, approximately one minute later, threw a metal travel mug at other officers in the police line. The mug struck a plexiglass riot shield being held by one of the officers, deflected, and fell to the ground.

            Keen remained on the West Plaza and was later seen entering the Capitol building via the Upper West Terrace door at approximately 2:38 p.m. Once inside, Keen traveled up a staircase and into the Capitol Rotunda with other rioters. While in the Rotunda, Keen gathered with other rioters and smoked marijuana. He then exited the Rotunda, moved towards the Senate chamber, and finally exited the Capitol about 3:15 p.m. via the East Rotunda Door. 

            The FBI arrested Keen on April 6, 2023, in Chicago.

            The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division's Counterterrorism Section prosecuted this case. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois provided valuable assistance.

            The FBI’s Chicago and Washington Field Offices investigated this case. The U.S. Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department provided valuable assistance.

            In the 37 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,313 individuals have been charged in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 469 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, a felony. The investigation remains ongoing.

            Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit tips.fbi.gov.
