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Discursul grandios de acceptare a nominalizari din partea Conventiei Nationale Democratice a senatorului Barack Obama, pentru candidatura la presedentia Statelor Unite.
Americanii arată că este momentul schimbării în Wasington DC și că așa cum spunea însuși Obama : “schimbarea nu vine dinspre Wasington DC, ci ea trebuie să meargă în Wasington DC”.
Un alt mesaj scurt de multumire din partea lui Obama primit acum o ora:
"This night could not have happened 40 years ago -- or even 4 years ago. And it could not have happened without you. You believed, against the odds, that change was possible. I felt your passion here tonight, and I know it was shared by millions of Americans who are building this movement all across the country. Tonight is your night. But tonight is just the beginning. The general election is going to be faster and tougher than anything we've faced so far. And our opponents will do everything they can to tear us down. I need your support more than ever.
Our party is united.
Our purpose is clear. And our goal is in sight.
Thank you for everything you've done, "
Cititi si:
Discursuri de la Conventia democratilor din Denver
Cu Obama in Springfield
Americanii arată că este momentul schimbării în Wasington DC și că așa cum spunea însuși Obama : “schimbarea nu vine dinspre Wasington DC, ci ea trebuie să meargă în Wasington DC”.
Un alt mesaj scurt de multumire din partea lui Obama primit acum o ora:
"This night could not have happened 40 years ago -- or even 4 years ago. And it could not have happened without you. You believed, against the odds, that change was possible. I felt your passion here tonight, and I know it was shared by millions of Americans who are building this movement all across the country. Tonight is your night. But tonight is just the beginning. The general election is going to be faster and tougher than anything we've faced so far. And our opponents will do everything they can to tear us down. I need your support more than ever.
Our party is united.
Our purpose is clear. And our goal is in sight.
Thank you for everything you've done, "
Cititi si:
Discursuri de la Conventia democratilor din Denver
Cu Obama in Springfield