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Dupa cativa ani de absenta din viata artistica,Tudor Petrut, stabilit in California, este actorul principal intr-o serie de spoturi publicitare pentru Discover Card.
Cele trei reclame fac parte din noua campanie publicitara a companiei,
coordonata de Martin Agency, si sunt o productie Harvest Films, in regia
premiatului cineast Baker Smith. Doua din aceste clipuri extrem de haioase au fost lansate deja pe piata.
Frustrati ca ati fost pus sa asteptati? Aveti idee cine este la capatul celalalt al firului? Cam asa suna noua campanie a celor de la Discover Card, care promite ca in maxim 60 de secunde cineva o sa raspunda la telefon.
Spotul publicitar incepe cu o imagine de iarna, viscol, zapada si o baraca, cu un cos fumegand, undeva in estul Europei. Langa casa, pe un stalp de curent sigla companiei "USA Prime Credit". Tudor, deranjat de la jocul de carti cu prietenii, raspunde la unul din zecile de telefoane care palpaie, si la capatul carora sunt clienti americani cu diferite probleme si intrebari. Intr-o engleza stalcita si cu accent le raspunde o voce de barbat, dar cu nume de femeie: "Sunt Peggy, ai problema?!". "Peggy"?! se intreaba socati clienti de la celalalt capat al firului.
Personajul "Peggy", este simpatic dar inept si nu
prea raspunde intrebarilor clientilor cu probleme. Spoturile sunt
hazlii, si aceasta a fost de la inceput intentia relizatorilor.
Reclamele ruleaza deja pe majoritatea canalelor americane la ore de
maxima audienta.
"Recunosc, am avut emotii de
debutant", se destainuie in exclusivitate Tudor, "dar m-am re-acomodat rapid cu atmosfera
de pe platourile de filmare, si cu efortul creativ al echipei de
realizatori." "Este un prim pas, de bun augur, sper", spune Tudor,
"si ma ajuta sa imi revitalizez cariera. Nu mi-a
fost usor sa patrund in Hollywood,
mi-a trebuit multa rabdare, si mai ales am invatat sa traiesc cu
nenumarate deceptii si refuzuri."
Pentru realizarile sale, Tudor a fost
acceptat in prestigioasa asociatie artistica Screen Actors Guild.
Filmarile au fost realizate in aceasta vara la Universal Studios in Hollywood. Doua dintre spoturile publicitare vor fi incluse in transmisia directa a premiilor EMMY pe canalul NBC, si vor continua in timpul meciurilor saptamanale din cadrul campionatului de fotbal american NFL.
After a long absence, Romanian-American actor Tudor Petrut returns on the sound stage as the main actor in a series of spots for Discover Card. Successful film actor and stage director in his native country, Tudor, a Californian for more than a decade, plays "Peggy" in the new ad campaign by the Martin Agency. Produced by Harvest Films, the spots were directed by award winning Baker Smith, and photographed by Eric Treml.
(foto: courtesy of Chicago Sun Times)
The Chicago Sun Times writes: "The new Discover spots make their point via a customer service agent called Peggy, who is actually a he. Peggy is seen in each spot attempting to deal with a customer who has called a financial institution named USA Prime Credit. In each instance, the interaction with Peggy leads to a situation that is both funny and familiar -- at least to anyone who has struggled to get through to -- and then deal with -- a banking representative. It's a tribute to Martin's skills that the shop has managed to make us laugh at what is, in fact, a hugely frustrating experience for so many, namely the decline of customer service."
Tudor enjoyed the experience, "and I learned a lot about the production process at the highest level. It was more than trying to be funny on camera, for I tried to be involved and become familiar with the ways of making a commercial."
The ad campaign will be featured on prime-time shows, and will expand to college football live coverage.
Tudor enjoyed the experience, "and I learned a lot about the production process at the highest level. It was more than trying to be funny on camera, for I tried to be involved and become familiar with the ways of making a commercial."
The ad campaign will be featured on prime-time shows, and will expand to college football live coverage.
Cititi si: Tudor Petrut "liceanul" care a ajuns la Hollywood