Misterioasa întâlnire a lui Victor Ponta cu Donald Trump

Primul roman condamnat ia 33 de luni de inchisoare

Sorin Adrian Oros arestat anul trecut aici la Chicago, in prima serie de arestari pentru dare de mita, a fost gasit vinovat si a primit 2 ani si 9 luni de inchisoare. Totodata el a mai fost obligat la efectuarea a 200 de ore de serviciu comunitar si cinci mii de dolari amenda. Acesta ar urma sa isi inceapa ispasirea pedepsei in septembrie. Impreuna cu el au mai fost condamnate alte 6 persoane, mi-a declarat in aceasta dimineata procurorul implicat in acest caz, Juliet Sorensen.
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Operation Crooked Code Update: Petru Cladovan

The feds, prosecutors, and judge finally admit and conclude amid all set forth charges that Petru Cladovan is and was innocent AND ALL CHARGES WERE DROPPED today 3/30/2010. Petru Cladovan was found that he never had intent and/or knowledge of any bribes and all accusation were misinterpretation of twisted perfected lies by so called "expeditor", who was forced to start operating, as a mole with the feds, and with whom orchestrated this entrapment only to reduce her possible charges sentence of 130yrs if convicted. This same "expeditor" ironically under oath admitted and testified that Petru Cladovan had no implication nor knowledge of her illegal business transactions and that all business between her and Petru Cladovan were 100% LEGAL and legit!!! It is only fair to say that after two long years of false accusations, wrongfully indicted, and defamation not limited to by the government and by media to Petru Cladovan and his family, the truth and innocent prevails.